Department of Central Registration:
522 Cortlandt Street
Belleville, NJ 07109
Email: central.registration@bellevilleschools.org
Phone: 973.450.3500 ext. 1019
Para asistencia en español, por favor llame 973.450.3500 ext. 1076
Belleville Beginners - Preschool Department:
567 Franklin Avenue, 1st Floor
Belleville, NJ 07109
Email: prekbeginners@bellevilleschools.org
Phone: 973.450.3500 ext. 1081 (hablo español)
Department of Special Services:
567 Franklin Avenue, 1st Floor
Belleville, NJ 07109
Ms. Joanne Conway
Email: joanne.conway@bellevilleschools.org
Phone: 973.450.3500 ext. 1029
For questions regarding Free/Reduced lunch applications or questions regarding your child's lunch balance:
56 Ralph Street, 2nd Floor
Belleville, NJ 07109
Ms. Alexa Ramos
Email: alexa.pizarro@bellevilleschools.org
Phone: 973.450.3500 ext. 1079 (hablo español)
Mrs. Meaghan Pagliaroli
Email: meaghan.pagliaroli@bellevilleschools.org
Phone: 973.450.3500 ext. 1623